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What is a Citizens Assembly?

Citizens’ assemblies, (also known as mini-publics and citizens’ juries) bring together a diverse group of between 20 and 150 members of the public to consider a particular topic and produce a set of recommendations. The members, chosen through a form of civic lottery, reflect the diversity of the local population and can be viewed as a mini version of the wider public. 

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What is Participatory Budgeting?

Through Participatory Budgeting(PB) citizens make decisions over how public budgets are spent. PB has been rapidly growing worldwide and operates at many different scales, from very small budgets within towns or neighbourhoods, to multi-million pound citywide processes.

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What is the Social Economy?

The Social Economy, sometimes called the ‘social and solidarity economy’ is a way of describing and valuing all the activities that aren’t normally considered, or priced in, but which contribute towards making a fairer, more sustainable world for all.

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