Poplar Green Futures
A Strategy & Action Plan for a Low-Carbon Neighbourhood in Poplar
In partnership with Poplar HARCA & URBED we worked on a 6-month community design project. Over 50 residents and organisations working on low carbon projects have gotten involved in workshops, and we’ve reached out to local businesses and also the local youth forum.
The project is supported by the Mayor of London’s ‘Future Neighbourhood’ programme, Aberfeldy LLP and Chrisp Street Developments Ltd.
It formed a part of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ Net Zero Carbon Partnership.
Its’ aims were two-fold:
1. Help everyone who lives, works or plays in Poplar to take action and benefit from climate-friendly projects.
2. Guide Poplar HARCA’s efforts in supporting the local transition to a low carbon future
For more information about this project, you can visit the Poplar Green Futures website.