Building Bridges, Safer Communities
Citizens’ panel on community safety and policing in liverpool
In partnership with Revolving Doors, Shared Future were the facilitators of the Building Bridges, Safer Communities Citizens’ Panel. On the 28th May 2024 over 60 people came together in central Liverpool for the launch of the report of the process, and to discuss and respond to the recommendations of the citizens’ panel.
The key question the panel was tasked with considering was:
‘‘How can we prevent crime and improve community safety for everyone, particularly marginalised groups in Liverpool?”
Using the model of a citizens’ jury, or mini-public, 30 residents were selected to reflect the diversity of the wider Liverpool population. During 30 hours of deliberation, spanning three months in Autumn 2023 the panel heard from a wide range of expert commentators, discussed their own experiences of policing and community saftety in Liverpool and then produced a wide ranging set of over 40 recommendations.
Running throughout all the recommendations was a desire to prevent, rather than simply to respond to issues of crime and community safety, by creating stronger communities and tackling root causes.