News and Stories

  • Educating for Democracy: Participatory Budgeting in Schools

    A new book, detailing why Participatory Budgeting is an important innovation in citizenship education was published this month. Shared Future director Jez Hall contributed a chapter to Educating for Democracy: The Case for Participatory Budgeting in Schools, available from Edward Elgar Publishing. The book provides a detailed examination of school participatory budgeting (SPB), a process…

  • Liverpool citizens’ panel on community safety highlights a path forward for the city after major unrest

    “Liverpool is the world in one city” In the wake of the recent violent and racist thuggery that resulted in the destruction of the Spellow Community Hub and Library in Liverpool national justice charity Revolving Doors and citizens’ democracy organisation Shared Future CIC are coming together to reiterate the vital recommendations and messages from the…

  • Fertile Margins: The Power Within Ecosystems of Democracy

    In this second blog on building an effective citizen-led and responsive democracy, Shared Future director Jez Hall reflects further on how to address the current crisis in our democracy by taking an ecosystem approach. One that designs and then blends different democratic systems, and sees democracy as a verb, not a noun.  Within Shared Future…

  • Birmingham Museums Citizens’ Jury

    We’re super excited that Birmingham Museum will be one of the first in the UK to hold a citizens’ jury – and we get to be a part of it! This follows a growing trend amongst cultural institutions (New Art Exchange in Nottingham, as well as Bundeskunsthalle and Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden in Germany) that recognise…

  • Ecosystems of Democracy: Go Deep, Connect and Inspire

    Yesterday saw a seismic shift in our representative democracy. And we all wait expectantly to see what change is coming. Yet, beneath the Westminster froth, the pundits, polls and parties, are stark challenges for our democracy and our country. Changing that will take time, take experimentation and a fresh focus on why so many people…

  • Digital Stories from the Bude Area Community Jury

    The Bude Area Community Jury on Climate Change, commissioned by Bude Climate Partnership, brought together 34 citizens aged 16 to 86 from across the wider Bude area to answer the question: ‘‘How can we respond to a changing climate, including sea level rise, to support our community to thrive?” In these short videos, members of…

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