Liz Goold
Liz joined Shared Future in early 2020 and facilitates our deliberative democracy projects on climate change. She is an experienced Organisation Development (OD) and change practitioner, systems leadership developer, action learning set facilitator, and leadership team and executive coach.
Liz has a particular interest leveraging participatory democracy to solve the problem of climate change. She helped Shared Future facilitate the Kendal Climate Change Jury, which was unique for being both the first fully online Climate Change Jury in the UK and also for mobilising citizens through a Crowdfunding campaign. She has also helped facilitate a variety of citizens’ assemblies from the national level such as the Scotland Climate Assembly, to borough level, including the North of Tyne climate assembly.
As a Shared Future Associate, Liz is particularly interested in collaborative working, co-design and participant engagement and sees citizens’ assemblies and juries as a powerful way of enlivening democracy, as well as engaging citizens in addressing critical issues of time, particularly the climate emergency. Her experience as an associate with Involve and DemSoc also allows for synergies and cross-learning to take place.
Liz brings over 30 years’ experience of working across different sectors, cultures and organisations, starting with a background in community development in Sierra Leone. She has worked across public services and the Third Sector in the UK and with international NGOs/donor agencies in Africa and Asia.
Liz currently runs her own consultancy practice based in Oxford. Her portfolio ranges from working at depth on long-term culture change processes through to designing and facilitating multi-stakeholder interventions across sector boundaries using a variety of participatory and creative methods. She has also developed and led national systems leadership and OD programmes and is an accredited team/leadership coach and mediator. She is currently Co-Director of the 21st century leadership programme for Aspiring Directors of Public Health, and has led a Masters programme for leaders of civil society foundations in Central and Eastern Europe.
Alongside her interest in climate change and deliberative democracy, Liz enjoys playing the flute in a local Cuban band, and growing flowers and vegetables in her garden.
Specialisms and interests
Action learning, organisation development (OD), systems leadership development, participatory democracy, citizens’ climate assemblies, collaborative working, co-design, community development.