Alan Budge

PB Associate


Alan joined Shared Future CIC in 2012, having previously worked for the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) in Bradford, and for the PB Unit, where he had been actively involved in developing a range of local participatory budgeting (PB) initiatives

Alan’s work with Shared Future has focussed on helping facilitate PB programmes with Local Authorities, Housing Trusts, the Police, health providers and community organisations. His work has included providing support to Greater Manchester Police’s innovative District-wide PB programme and working closely with the Scottish Government to support the development of a National PB programme in Scotland.

He was be a consultant within PB Partners, a project of Shared Future, which picked up the legacy of the PB Unit’s work (that until then was hosted by Church Action on Poverty). From 2014 he worked on supporting the roll-out of PB across Local Authorities in Scotland, in line with the Scottish Government’s stated aim of having a minimum of 1% of all Local Authority budgets allocated via PB by 2022.

Previously, Alan worked as a Neighbourhood Partnership Manager for Bradford Vision for four years to March 2008. As well as facilitating partnership working between residents, elected members and service providers, he played a key role in the development of the LSP’s pioneering participatory grant-making programme, responsible for the allocation of over £1m of Neighbourhood Renewal funds.

Specialisms and interests

PB related to climate change, local authorities, neighbourhoods, housing, rural, town and parish, local innovation and enterprise, faith groups.

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