Shared Future develops Participatory Budgeting programmes across Scotland
We have been working with the Scottish Government and its partners to develop significant new community engagement programmes.
Shared Future is the leading consultancy for Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the UK. We have been working closely with the Scottish Government and its partners to develop significant new community engagement programmes across Scotland.
In 2015 alone we worked directly with over 20 local authorities delivering bespoke consultancy support. This helped devolve real decision-making powers to residents in both urban and very rural locations.
Linked to this development of PB in Scotland was a newly published set of resources available on the Communities Channel Scotland website, hosted by the Scottish Community Development Centre and supported by the Scottish Government. These included a report on a recent learning event hosted by SCDC, as well as supporting the development of a new website for Participatory Budgeting in Scotland.
- Read a 2015 blog by Oliver Escobar on the opportunities ahead in Scotland
- Review the Participatory Budgeting resources on the PS Scotland website