Inquiry in the Challenge of Care at Home – Final Report

After 6 weeks of deliberation our Inquiry in Care at Home produced compelling recommendations for transforming how services in Greater Manchester are commissioned and delivered. The 'what' and the 'why. Following the launch of the Inquiry report we now invite Health and Social Care Commissioners across Greater Manchester to commit to considering 'how' the recommendations might be implemented.

“What would it take to help people to have a good life at home for as long as they choose?

After months of intensive work we are pleased to be able to share the report of the Inquiry into the Challenge of Care At Home.

We believe the recommendations in the report offer a unique opportunity to improve Care at Home services in Greater Manchester.

The report includes the outcomes of the stakeholder event, on the 12th December 2018, when we launched the recommendations, and held action planning conversations on how the report recommendations might be implemented.

We want the people who deliver, commission, campaign for or otherwise support ‘Care at Home’ services, particularly for the elderly, to take on this challenge by implementing, as far as possible, the ‘Recommendations of the Care and Home Inquiry’.

Listen to our overview of the Inquiry into Care at Home on YouTube

During 6 weeks of deliberation our Inquiry produced compelling recommendations to transform Care at Home services in Greater Manchester.

The Inquiry in the Challenge of Care at Home aimed at finding better ways to provide Care at Home. That work on an emotional, person centred and practical level.

Keeping people with care needs safe, happy and well in their own home is one of the biggest challenges faced by individuals, their families, the NHS, Local Authorities and their partners.

We use a broad interpretation of ‘Care at Home’, recognising the wide range of professionals, services and networks of support that are involved. Care at Home might be delivered in the individuals home. Or a care home or social housing. And connects and impacts on hospital stays and respite care.

At the launch event we presented the findings of our 6 week ‘deliberative inquiry’, which involved a range of professionals hearing the lived experiences of people using care at home services.

Find out more on the background to the inquiry

The inquiry was led by Shared Future, with funding from the Jam and Justice project, and enjoys the support of the GM Health and Social Care Partnership‘s ‘Living Well at Home’ delivery group.

The Care at Home Inquiry was supported by:

The Jam and Justice Action Research Collective and Collaborate Out Loud

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